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Economic Response & Recovery Plan

Back to Better

The Halifax Partnership and Halifax Regional Municipality are leading economic recovery efforts with our private, public and post-secondary partners. Together, we are restarting and restoring Halifax’s economy to get back to our positive long-term growth trend.

Goal: Get back to our long-term growth trend and chart a path forward for a stronger, more resilient city.


"The Economic Response and Recovery plan is evergreen - meant to be changed and updated to ensure we are addressing the evolving needs of the business community in real-time."

- Wendy Luther, President & CEO, Halifax Partnership


More Jobs

Although employment dropped significantly at the on-set of the pandemic it has since recovered and grown by an additional 6,200 jobs.

Hard Hit Industries

Wholesale & retail trade in Halifax was the industry most disrupted and retail employment is still struggling to recover.

Lower Debt

Average non-mortgage debt actually decreased 2.2% since the start of the pandemic and consumer insolvency is down 24%.

Three Phases

The Economic Response and Recovery Plan follows a three-phase approach. Moving from one phase to the next will not be based on a fixed timeline but will be aligned to public health criteria and measures.

Phase 1: Urgent

What Happened

• COVID-19 cases still rising.
• Impacts on critical operations and services.
• Business shutdowns (layoffs and unemployment, liquidity, and income crisis).

How We Helped

• Supported businesses with COVID-19 Resources.
• Directly helped businesses with the Virtual Adviser Program.
Connected businesses with labour shortages to active jobseekers.

Phase 2: Stabilization

What Happened

• Businesses prepared to reopen.
• People returned to work and schools reopened.
• Exports, imports, and tourism activities began to resume.

How We Helped

• Supported businesses with Reopening and Recovery.
• Continued to help businesses with the Virtual Adviser Program.

Phase 3: Recovery (Current Phase)

What’s Happening

• People are free to do business, work, study, socialize, and travel.
• Companies are recovering and investors are ready to once again deploy capital.
• Governments have moved beyond fiscal and monetary crisis mode.

Our Priorities and Response

• Supporting business recovery and restoring confidence.
• Boosting economic and business growth (get back to Halifax’s long-term growth trend)
• Raising awareness of Halifax’s economic recovery locally, nationally, and internationally.
• Learning from experience and planning for the future.

Watch the Latest

Learn more about our economic recovery efforts to date by watching our past events and council presentations.

Reimagine Halifax

Watch our Annual General Meeting with updates on the Halifax economy and tourism sector. Plus a special discussion on how we can Reimagine Halifax to make it an excellent place to work, live and play, for everyone.

Learn more
  • PlayPlaying
    Reimagine Halifax

    Reimagine Halifax

    Watch our Annual General Meeting with a special discussion on reimagining Halifax to make it an excellent place to work, live and play, for everyone.

    Watch our Annual General Meeting with updates on the Halifax economy and tourism sector. Plus a special discussion on how we can Reimagine Halifax to make it an excellent place to work, live and play, for everyone.

    Learn more
    Reopening Halifax's Economy

    Reopening Halifax's Economy

    Watch the presentation of the Halifax Index with a special presentation from Narrative Research on current consumer research.

    Watch the presentation of the Halifax Index with a special presentation from Narrative Research on current consumer research. Plus an engaging discussion with business leaders across the city discussing their experiences through COVID-19 and as the city reopens.

    Download the Presentations:
    Presentation to Council - September 22, 2020

    Presentation to Council - September 22, 2020

    Watch the latest update of the Economic Response and Recovery Plan presented to Council.

  • PlayPlaying
    Presentation to Council - July 7, 2020

    Presentation to Council - July 7, 2020

    Watch the latest update of the Economic Response and Recovery Plan presented to Council.

    Presentation to Council - May 12, 2020

    Presentation to Council - May 12, 2020

    Watch the second virtual presentation of the Economic Response and Recovery Plan to Council.

    Conversation with Mayor Savage

    Conversation with Mayor Savage

    Watch the follow-up conversation with Mayor Mike Savage on how we plan to get Halifax's economy back on track through the plan.

  • PlayPlaying
    Presentation to Council - April 2, 2020

    Presentation to Council - April 2, 2020

    Watch the first virtual presentation of the Economic Response and Recovery Plan to Council.

  • PlayPlaying
    Reimagine Halifax

    Reimagine Halifax

    Watch our Annual General Meeting with a special discussion on reimagining Halifax to make it an excellent place to work, live and play, for everyone.

    Watch our Annual General Meeting with updates on the Halifax economy and tourism sector. Plus a special discussion on how we can Reimagine Halifax to make it an excellent place to work, live and play, for everyone.

    Learn more
    Reopening Halifax's Economy

    Reopening Halifax's Economy

    Watch the presentation of the Halifax Index with a special presentation from Narrative Research on current consumer research.

    Watch the presentation of the Halifax Index with a special presentation from Narrative Research on current consumer research. Plus an engaging discussion with business leaders across the city discussing their experiences through COVID-19 and as the city reopens.

    Download the Presentations:
  • PlayPlaying
    Presentation to Council - September 22, 2020

    Presentation to Council - September 22, 2020

    Watch the latest update of the Economic Response and Recovery Plan presented to Council.

    Presentation to Council - July 7, 2020

    Presentation to Council - July 7, 2020

    Watch the latest update of the Economic Response and Recovery Plan presented to Council.

  • PlayPlaying
    Presentation to Council - May 12, 2020

    Presentation to Council - May 12, 2020

    Watch the second virtual presentation of the Economic Response and Recovery Plan to Council.

    Conversation with Mayor Savage

    Conversation with Mayor Savage

    Watch the follow-up conversation with Mayor Mike Savage on how we plan to get Halifax's economy back on track through the plan.

  • PlayPlaying
    Presentation to Council - April 2, 2020

    Presentation to Council - April 2, 2020

    Watch the first virtual presentation of the Economic Response and Recovery Plan to Council.

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Every day, our team is talking to businesses like yours to provide direct support. Whether you're managing cashflow issues or navigating government programs we're here to guide and support you during these challenging times.

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