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People. Planet. Prosperity.

Everyone has a role to play in making Halifax an inclusive, vibrant, and prosperous city for all residents.

Halifax's Inclusive Economic Strategy 2022-27

Together with Halifax Regional Municipality, we led the development of Halifax's economic strategy for 2022-27. We brought together businesses, partners, residents, and communities throughout Halifax to share ideas, insights, and actions to build a more inclusive, sustainable, resilient, and prosperous Halifax over the next five years.

People. Planet. Prosperity. Halifax’s Inclusive Economic Strategy 2022-27 has been informed by conversations with and written submissions from more than 2,500 business leaders, residents, and partners throughout the municipality. The strategy focuses on ensuring all Halifax residents can contribute to, and benefit from our city's growing economic prosperity.

Halifax Partnership and the Halifax Regional Municipality completed a review and renewal of the economic strategy to refresh the actions for years three through five (2024-2027) in response to changed economic circumstances, challenges, and new opportunities that have arisen since the strategy’s original approval in 2022. The Years 3-5 Action Plan was approved by Halifax Regional Council in March 2024.

Halifax Economic Strategy 3-5 Year Plan Framework
Note: In August 2024, the Conference Board of Canada - the source for Halifax GDP estimates - moved to Real 2017 dollars for reporting. Halifax Partnership has updated its economic reporting to align with the Conference Board, including the GDP figures in Halifax’s Inclusive Economic Strategy 2022-2027. Read this memo for further details.

Everyone has a role to play in driving Halifax’s inclusive economic growth and prosperity. Halifax’s 2022-27 economic strategy is a shared roadmap for economic development over the next five years, founded on the values of engagement, inclusion, alignment, and collaboration. Collectively, this strategy is ours to own and implement to achieve our vision for Halifax.


  • Economic Strategy Advisory Committee

    In early January 2021, an Advisory Committee was formed to oversee the development of the 2022-2027 economic growth strategy. With input from a diverse group of business and community stakeholders, the committee will refine the economic growth vision, identify the strategic goals, generate new ideas and actions, and bring community leadership to the process.

  • Presentation to Regional Council

    In late January 2021, Halifax Partnership's Board of Directors approved the design and development for the next five-year economic growth strategy. On March 9, 2021, Halifax Regional Council unanimously approved the framework for the development of the plan.

  • Working Groups

    Three working groups consisting of business and community leaders, subject matter experts, and Halifax Partnership and Halifax Regional Municipality staff have explored and offered recommendations on priorities and actions related to the emerging themes of attainable housing, transportation and logistics, and green economy.

  • CEO Councils & Mayor's Economic Roundtables

    We have hosted a number of CEO Council and Mayor’s Economic Roundtable sessions with over 200 Halifax Partnership Investors, partners, and stakeholders to discuss the emerging themes of attainable housing, transportation and logistics, green economy, and inclusive economic growth.

  • Fall 2021 Update

    In September 2021, Chair of the Economic Strategy Advisory Committee, Cory Bell, presented an update on the development of the economic growth strategy at Halifax Partnership's annual general meeting. Partnership Investors, partners and community members shared their ideas on building a more inclusive and prosperous Halifax for all.

  • Community Conversations & Comments

    More than 2,500 business and community leaders and residents throughout the municipality have participated in conversations, responded to surveys and provided written comments that have informed the development of the strategy.

  • Review and Approvals

    On February 2, 2022, Halifax Partnership’s Board of Directors unanimously endorsed People. Planet. Prosperity, Halifax’s Inclusive Economic Strategy for 2022-2027, for submission to the Community Planning and Economic Development Committee of Regional Council. This Committee reviewed the draft strategy on February 17, 2022 and unanimously voted to recommend that Regional Council adopt the strategy at a meeting in March.

  • Regional Council Approval

    On April 5, 2022, Halifax Regional Council unanimously approved Halifax’s new five-year economic strategy - People. Planet. Prosperity. Halifax’s Inclusive Economic Strategy 2022-2027.

  • Economic Strategy Review and Renewal

    Halifax Partnership and the Halifax Regional Municipality completed a review and renewal of the economic strategy to assess and refresh the actions for years three through five (2024-2027) to respond to changed economic circumstances, challenges, and new opportunities that have arisen since the strategy’s original approval in 2022. On February 15, 2024, Halifax Regional Municipality's Community Planning and Economic Development Standing Committee recommended that Regional Council approve People. Planet. Prosperity. Halifax's Inclusive Economic Strategy 2022-2027: Years 3-5 Action Plan.

  • Economic Strategy Years 3-5 Action Plan Approval

    On March 5, 2024 Halifax Regional Council approved People. Planet. Prosperity. Halifax's Inclusive Economic Strategy 2022-2027: Years 3-5 Action Plan. The Action Plan will inform and shape municipal decision-making and activity and guide the activities of Halifax Partnership and other economic development and business agencies over the next three years (2024-2027). It will also influence and align key players and partners to support Halifax’s inclusive economic growth.

Strategy Scorecard

Included in the Halifax Index, Strategy scorecard reports on the progress of the Halifax's Economic Strategy. Find out if Halifax is meeting it's Economic Strategy goals.

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