Strategy Scorecard
Included in the Halifax Index, Strategy scorecard reports on the progress of the Halifax's Economic Strategy. Find out if Halifax is meeting it's Economic Strategy goals.
Everyone has a role to play in making Halifax an inclusive, vibrant, and prosperous city for all residents.
Together with Halifax Regional Municipality, we led the development of Halifax's economic strategy for 2022-27. We brought together businesses, partners, residents, and communities throughout Halifax to share ideas, insights, and actions to build a more inclusive, sustainable, resilient, and prosperous Halifax over the next five years.
People. Planet. Prosperity. Halifax’s Inclusive Economic Strategy 2022-27 has been informed by conversations with and written submissions from more than 2,500 business leaders, residents, and partners throughout the municipality. The strategy focuses on ensuring all Halifax residents can contribute to, and benefit from our city's growing economic prosperity.
Halifax Partnership and the Halifax Regional Municipality completed a review and renewal of the economic strategy to refresh the actions for years three through five (2024-2027) in response to changed economic circumstances, challenges, and new opportunities that have arisen since the strategy’s original approval in 2022. The Years 3-5 Action Plan was approved by Halifax Regional Council in March 2024.
Halifax Economic Strategy 2022-2027 - Action Plan Years 3-5 (.pdf 7 MB)
Halifax Economic Strategy 2022-2027 - Action Plan Years 1-2 (.pdf 3MB)
April 1-December 31, 2022 (.pdf 756 KB)
January 1 - October 2023 (.pdf 565 KB)
October 2023 - March 2024 (.pdf 492 KB)
Halifax Index 2023 Economic Strategy Scorecard
Halifax Partnership | Economic Response & Recovery Plan
Halifax Economic Growth Plan 2016-21 - Action Plan Years 3-5 (.pdf 2.9 MB)
Halifax Economic Growth Plan 2016-21 - Action Plan Years 1-2 (.pdf 1.06 MB)
Halifax Economic Strategy 2011-2016 - Action Plan Years 3-5 (.pdf 739 KB)
Halifax Economic Strategy 2011-2016 - Action Plan Years 1-2 (.pdf 2.8 MB)
Included in the Halifax Index, Strategy scorecard reports on the progress of the Halifax's Economic Strategy. Find out if Halifax is meeting it's Economic Strategy goals.
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