African Nova

Scotian Road

to Economic


The Road to Economic Prosperity

Launched in 2021, the African Nova Scotian Road to Economic Prosperity Plan (REPP) is a five-year economic development strategy developed and owned by the African Nova Scotian (ANS) community to address systemic issues and improve economic and quality of life outcomes for African Nova Scotians.

The REPP five-year strategic priorities are:

  1. Build Unity and Capacity Among African Nova Scotians.
  2. Establish Land Ownership, Develop Infrastructure, and Attract Investment.
  3. Increase Participation in Education, Employment, and Entrepreneurship.

Road to Economic Prosperity Plan

About the Road to Economic Prosperity Plan

The first of its kind, the African Nova Scotian Road to Economic Prosperity Plan is the result of two years of community consultation. It builds on generations of community economic development work, honouring and representing the diverse lived experiences and historic and current circumstances in each of the African Nova Scotian communities in the Halifax Region.

The Plan is led by the Road to Economic Prosperity (REP) Advisory Council comprised of representatives from each Black community in the Halifax Region and organizations involved in ANS economic development and capacity building. The Council's work is supported by an Elder Council, Youth Council, and several working groups with representatives from ANS communities throughout Nova Scotia.

Halifax Partnership serves as the project office and a coordinating body for the REPP, supporting the ANS community in implementing the plan in collaboration with the Halifax Regional Municipality, the Province of Nova Scotia, private sector sponsor RBC, and other partners. Together, we are advancing the 31 actions in the Years 3-5 Road to Economic Prosperity Plan (2023-2026).

African Nova Scotian Prosperity and Well-being Index

The ANS Prosperity and Well-being Index reports statistical data on Black communities in Nova Scotia across six key areas: population, labour, income, education, housing, and well-being.

Reach out to us

Carolann Wright

Director, Capacity Building & Strategic Initiatives, African Nova Scotian Communities and Executive Director, Road to Economic Prosperity

Connect with our team.



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