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COVID-19 Update to Investors and Stakeholders

Posted: March 19, 2020

This is an unprecedented time in the world and our business community.

As COVID-19 continues to spread, our thoughts go out to anyone who has been impacted. We hope that you, your family, friends and colleagues are safe and well, and are taking the necessary precautions. Health and safety are what is most important.

We’ve shifted our business focus to supporting all efforts to slow the transmission of COVID-19. We’re taking direction from the federal and provincial governments and following their requirements and guidelines.

  • All of our staff are working from home until at least April 6 and are able to continue to work with you remotely and, we’ve cancelled all in-person events until the end of April. We’ll assess whether that needs to be extended.

How can we help you?

We’re working collaboratively with associations, governments and others to assess what’s happening to businesses like yours. We’re providing input into business-focused discussions to help make sure that your needs are considered as federal, provincial and municipal governments develop policies, programs and supports. From you, we’d like to get your input so we can share that back to them to inform their decisions.

  • What are the most pressing concerns that you are managing for your business?
  • What would you find most helpful right now?
  • What is the most effective way for you to receive guidance and information?

Our staff are reaching out to get your answers to these questions, so I encourage you to talk with them. If you'd prefer to get in touch with us directly, please email us at [email protected].

In any time of uncertainty, there is an even greater need to be well-informed in order to make smart business decisions.

  • We’ve created a webpage with the COVID-19 Resources businesses need most right now, including the programs available from government, and we’ll be making updates real time.
  • We are using our communications channels to share official information from governments and our partner organizations. If you have information that is important for businesses as we manage through this, please send it to us at [email protected].

We know this is a time when changes may happen rapidly, so we are constantly monitoring and assessing impacts on our organization, our businesses, and our community. We’ll share updates as needed.

Stay safe, be vigilant, and keep us closely informed about your business needs.

Wendy Luther

President & CEO

Halifax Partnership

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