Grow Here

Explore Halifax's thriving industry sectors and find opportunities to locate and grow your business.

Key Industry Sectors

Halifax is the vibrant, prosperous capital of the East Coast. A highly educated workforce, strategic location, low business costs and an innovation advantage, mean Halifax provides all of the right ingredients for businesses to succeed and grow. Halifax has one of the most diverse economies in Canada with a number of strong sectors.

IT, Gaming & Digital Media


employed in ICT across the province

Financial Services


finance, insurance, and real estate firms

Ocean Technology

300+ companies

doing oceans-sector business in Nova Scotia

Transportation & Logistics

Connected to 150+

countries through the Port of Halifax for international trade via the world’s largest shipping lines

Life Sciences

Third Lowest

operating costs for a research centre out of the 50 largest cities in Canada and the USA

Get the Facts on Halifax's Economy

To learn more about Halifax’s economy and get a definitive look at Halifax’s economic and community progress, read the Halifax Index 2023.



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